Tracy Mosley
(EraVana Oil)
My name is Tracy Mosley, I’m a wife, mother, and grandmother. I have been in the hair business for over 35 years. It has become my passion because of the different avenues one can take in this industry, doing hair has it perks. But haircare can go a long way. Being a beautician has its advantages. You get to meet many people from all walks of life. You have many confidants’ friends and even the opportunity arises where you can have the solution to their everyday hair care needs. In this business, hairstyles come and go and come around again. Depending on the style or phase, hair care should always be the number one priority We as African American women need to pay attention to our scalp and the condition that it’s in. If we take care of our scalp, then our hair will grow a healthy diet, is also a component that aids in the growth of hair. I find that most ladies have busy lifestyles that lead them to wear braids, wigs, and even sew-ins, that fine, but there's still a scalp under all those styles.
I have seen many women, pat their heads because of dietary scalp. I always had thoughts of coming up with a formula-type hair oil that if used when needed, would soothe their skin and also aid in the growth of their hair, I realize that different issues with our scalp and even our skin prevent hair growth. Some are genetically hereditary and need special care. But for the most part, all our hair needs is some attention. We tend to forget about our hair care needs because of the trending styles that make it so easy to cover it up, braid it up, or even sew it up. And at the end of the day, our scalp dries up and itch like crazy.
So when my granddaughter had eczema on her scalp, it was very dry, scaly, and even bled from time to time, making her cry and very uncomfortable I felt I had to do something or come up with an oil that would soothe her scalp and allow her hair to grow at the same time.